Monitoraggi delle infestanti

[ITA] Iniziamo i monitoraggi nei campi #cereali delle #infestanti. Se sei interessato a ricevere info e ricevere una quotazione per le tue prove contattaci scrivendo o [ENG] We are starting monitoring in #cereal fields for #weeds. If you are interested to receive info and get a quote for your trials please contact us by writing o

Open Day 2023 – Agrigeos Di3A Unict

Siamo sempre pronti e felici quando si tratta di “aprire le porte” ai futuri colleghi. Ogni Open Day organizzato in collaborazione con l’Università di Catania offre sempre momenti di confronto importanti.Per noi è motivo di orgoglio attestare che in #Agrigeos la quasi totalità dei dipendenti e collaboratori si è formata nella nostra Università di Catania, proseguendo poi […]

Trials on woody perennial crop

#Planting a new #orchard is a very important and delicate practice that requires specific attentions: among others, the improvement of soil #fertility and the reduction of #transplant stress are fundamental operations for the success of a new #plantation where the well-being of roots is the main objective to achieve a profitable #cultivation. At #Agrigeos we carry out dedicated pot #trials on woody perennial crops to assess nutrient use efficiency, […]

GLP trials on citrus crop

Agrigeos is available to perform decline (DCS) and harvest (HS) GLP trials to determine the residue levels on citrus crop. Do not hesitate to contact us at or

Rainfastness trial

Rainfastness biossay trial to evaluate the fungicide magnitude on tomato plants.P. infestans, obtained by Agrigeos strain collection, was inoculated 24h after rain. Stay tuned to see the symptoms.

Avvio nuova stagione semine

Iniziamo con la nuova stagione di semina dei cereali e con le prove di diserbo pre-emergenza.Per maggiori informazioni, non esitare a contattarci scrivendo a: o  We start with the new cereal sowing season and pre-emergence weed control trials. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us by writing to: or 

Herbicide trial

herbicide trial

Herbicide trial on lettuce with application before transplanting. For more information do not hesitate to contact us at: or

ABIM – Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting

Our team at ABIM 2022

Our team is currently at ABIM – Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting – in Basel. Proud to take part in such an important event for our industry, we look forward to presenting our work and recent achievements!Meet our team: Pietro Di Primo Giuseppe Forte Paolo Zappalà

Plantarray units for 2023 trials

Plantarray units are available for 2023 trials! Don’t miss the opportunity to book NOW your slot.Plantarray platform can be used to carry out a wide range of trials. Get in touch with Pietro Di Primo or Marco Acciai to learn more and to discuss your project details.