IV ed. Biostimolanti Conference
In questi giorni Agrigeos sta partecipando alla IV ed. del Biostimolanti Conference che si tiene a Catania. Agrigeos investe moltissimo nella formazione del suo team di esperti e da anni ha dedicato un intero settore di Ricerca e Sviluppo a questa fondamentale branca. Per maggiori info sul nostro settore Biostimolanti contattaci scrivendo a acciai@agrigeos.com o […]
New service: Olfactometer
[🇬🇧] #Agrigeos has been offering a #NewService since this year.Our #laboratory team has successfully developed the use of the #olfactometer, to evaluate the #efficacy of an #attractant / #repellent product against a #target. Last week we performed a trial with #Bemisiatabaci in which we tested an attractant compound. If you are interested in receiving information on conducting these trials with other targets as weel, please contact a forte@agrigeos.com or diprimo@agrigeos.com. —————————————————————— [🇮🇹] Da quest’anno #Agrigeos offre […]
Nuovo macchinario: Conciatrice per sementi
[ENG] Starting with the new year, Agrigeos offers a new service: Rotary seed coater to set coating trials on different seed size (#spinach, #OSR, #corn, #pea, #cereals, #soybean, etc.) If you are interested in receiving more information or a quotation for your trials, don’t hesitate to contact us by writing to zappala@agrigeos.com or diprimo@agrigeos.com 🆕 🆕 🆕 🆕 🆕 🆕 🆕 🆕 [ITA] […]
Monitoraggi delle infestanti
[ITA] Iniziamo i monitoraggi nei campi #cereali delle #infestanti. Se sei interessato a ricevere info e ricevere una quotazione per le tue prove contattaci scrivendo a:diprimo@agrigeos.com o billotta@agrigeos.com [ENG] We are starting monitoring in #cereal fields for #weeds. If you are interested to receive info and get a quote for your trials please contact us by writing to:diprimo@agrigeos.com o billotta@agrigeos.com
Trials on woody perennial crop
#Planting a new #orchard is a very important and delicate practice that requires specific attentions: among others, the improvement of soil #fertility and the reduction of #transplant stress are fundamental operations for the success of a new #plantation where the well-being of roots is the main objective to achieve a profitable #cultivation. At #Agrigeos we carry out dedicated pot #trials on woody perennial crops to assess nutrient use efficiency, […]
GLP trials on citrus crop
Agrigeos is available to perform decline (DCS) and harvest (HS) GLP trials to determine the residue levels on citrus crop. Do not hesitate to contact us at caruso@agrigeos.com or diprimo@agrigeos.com
Rainfastness trial
Rainfastness biossay trial to evaluate the fungicide magnitude on tomato plants.P. infestans, obtained by Agrigeos strain collection, was inoculated 24h after rain. Stay tuned to see the symptoms.
Avvio nuova stagione semine
Iniziamo con la nuova stagione di semina dei cereali e con le prove di diserbo pre-emergenza.Per maggiori informazioni, non esitare a contattarci scrivendo a: billotta@agrigeos.com o diprimo@agrigeos.com We start with the new cereal sowing season and pre-emergence weed control trials. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us by writing to: billotta@agrigeos.com or diprimo@agrigeos.com
Centenario Bcc La Riscossa
Si è svolta sabato 5 novembre la cerimonia per i 100 anni della Banca di Credito Cooperativo La Riscossa di Regalbuto.All’interno della magnifica cornice del Teatro “Massimo Bellini” di Catania, oltre ai momenti celebrativi per il centenario e al racconto di questi anni di crescita e successi della Bcc La Riscossa, si è svolta la premiazione di alcune realtà imprenditoriali di spicco del […]
DCS, HS and oil processing GLP trials
AGRIGEOS is available to perform decline (DCS), harvest (HS) and oil processing GLP trials to determine the residue levels insectidices, fungicides and herbicides in both table and oil olive specimens under cultural practice typical of olive production. If you want receive more information, do not hesitate to contact us at: serra@agrigeos.com or diprimo@agrigeos.com